Apollo 13

and entering the moon's
gravity on April 13?

Uh, Ken Mattingly here has been
doing some scientific experiments...

regarding that very phenomenon,
haven't you?

Uh, yes. Well, I had a black cat,
uh, walk over a broken mirror...

under the lunar module ladder.
It didn't seem to be a problem.
We're considering a letter
we got from a fella...

who said we oughta take
a pig with us for good luck.

Does it bother you that the public
regards this flight as routine?

There's nothing routine about flying
to the moon. I can vouch for that.

And, uh, I think that
an astronaut's last mission'-'-

his final flight'-'- that's always
going to be very special.

Why is this your last, Jim?
I'm in command
of the best ship...

with the best crew
that anybody could ask for...

and I'll be walking in a place
where there's 400 degrees difference...

between sunlight and shadow.
I can't imagine, uh,
ever topping that.

We have that scheduled
for 0900 hours tomorrow.

'- That's not gonna work, Walter.
'- Why?

Freddo and I are gonna be goin' over the
lunar surface experiments tomorrow...

and Ken's gonna be
back in the simulator.

We're gonna be goin' over
the flight plan tonight.

Gonna pay a visit to this machine
after you're hard down. Thanks.

Jim, we've got a problem.
We just got some blood work back from
the lab. Charlie Duke has the measles.

So we need a new backup.
'- You've all been exposed to it.
'- Oh, I've had the measles.

Ken Mattingly hasn't.
You wanna break up my crew
two days before the launch...

when we can predict each other's moves,
read the tone of each other's voices?

Ken Mattingly will be
getting seriously ill...

precisely when you and Haise will
be ascending from the lunar surface.

That's a lousy time for a fever.
Jack Swigert has been
out of the loop for weeks.

He's fully qualified
to fly this mission.

He's a fine pilot, but when was
the last time he was in a simulator?
