
lf those sheep won't talk to Babe,
the boss is going to look like an idiot.

- l don't know what to do.
- There is one thing.

l gotta go!
l'll try to be back in time.

Ahem. lt must've been
terrible weather for you,

- out in the field with
all this rain we've been having.
- [ Bleats ]

Hey, that dog's
in a hurry.

Come on, Nick,
l got a beer and a TV waiting.

[ P.A. Announcer ] The last entry
is Pig. Owner, A. Hoggett.

- Was that ''Hoggett''?
- l think it was!

- Huh?
- He said Hoggett.
lt was clear as a bell.

Must be another Hoggett. We only have
the two dogs, and they certainly...

[ Sighs ]
Wolf! Wolf!
[ Sheep ]
Wolf! Wolf!

Shut up, you morons!
The little pig's in trouble.
What trouble has come
to our Babe, wolf?

The sheep at the trials
won't talk to the little fellow.

They won't listen.
He doesn't know what to do.

Don't know what
we could do to help.

- lt's not right to give help to a wolf.
- You wait here, wolf.

You'll have to speak up.
l'm a... little hard of hearing.

l asked you
to wait here, wolf.

Do what you're told
by an old sheep for a change.
