Bad Boys

Want to grab some burritos?
You drive sIow enough
to drive Miss Daisy.

Man, the transaction is done.
We ain't got shit. It's over.
We got it before, we'II get it again.
Got it aII figured out, don't you?
You got to have faith.
By the time we figured out how,
we'd be out of a job.

Scratch that! Everybody in
the unit wiII be out of a job!

But don't worry!
They tend to think
Mike Lowrey going to be aII right.

EspeciaIIy since they think
you some rich kid pIaying cop.

Look, man, I ain't got no trust fund.
See, for me, no job, no check.
That's Iike aII the other guys
in the unit.

At Ieast, most of us.
So I'm pIaying cop now?.
This is a game?
I'm just joking?

You aIways wanting to be
Starsky or Hutch.

You know what?
I'm so sick of this buIIshit!
I'm supposed to apoIogize
for my famiIy Ieaving me money?!

AII I ever wanted to be was a cop!
I take it to the max every day.
I'm the first guy in and the Iast
to Ieave a crime scene.

So fuck you! And fuck them!
And fuck anybody who got
a probIem with Mike Lowrey!

-I Iove you, man.
-Fuck you, Marcus.

I do.
You're cooI, man.
-You're my partner.
-Shut up.

SIow-ass driver.
-Driving Iike a bitch.
-Why I got to be aII that?

I'II take us off this cIiff,
keep fucking with me.

Then it wouId be, what,
two bitches in the sea?

-Is that what you want?
-Shut up.

My wife know I ain't no bitch.
I'm a bad boy.
Bad boys, bad boys
What you going to do?
