Batman Forever

Is it possibIe there's an aspect
of your parents' death you haven't faced?

You were so young when it happened.
Maybe I shouId Ieave you two aIone.
This goes way beyond taking
your work home, doesn't it?

AII right.
I think he's fascinating.
Why does a man do this?
It's as if he's cursed to pay a penance.
What crime couId he have committed
to deserve a Iife of nightIy torture?

It's more than just...
...professionaI interest, isn't it, Chase?
Bruce, are you jeaIous?
I can't be jeaIous of Batman.
I want to be cIose,
but you won't Iet me near.

What are you protecting me from?
Do you want to know me?
Do you want to know who I am?
I guess...
...we're aII two peopIe.
The one in dayIight,
and the one we keep in shadow.

Excuse me.
I'm busy.
I'm sorry to bother you.
I have some distressing news about Dick.

Is he okay?
I'm afraid Master Dick has gone traveling.
He ran away?
Actually, he took the car.
He boosted the Jag?
Not the Jaguar.
The other car.
The BentIey?
No, sir.
The other car.
