
Hey, James Bond.
In America, we drive
on the right side of the road.

I am. You try driving in platforms.
I got to get back to school.
Want to practice parking?
What's the point?
Everywhere you go has valet.

What class you going to?
Actually, I'm going
to a Tree People meeting.

We might get Marky Mark
to plant a celebrity tree.

How fabulous.
Getting Marky Mark to take time
from his busy
pants-dropping schedule

to plant trees.
Why don't you hire a gardener?
Maybe Marky Mark
wants to use his popularity

for a good cause,
make a contribution.

In case you've
never heard of that,

a contribution is...
I have donated
many Italian outfits to Lucy.

As soon as I get my license,
I fully intend
to brake for animals,

and I have contributed many hours
to helping two lonely teachers
find romance.

Which I'll bet serves
your interests more than theirs.

If I ever saw you do anything
that wasn't 90% selfish,

I'd die of shock.
Oh, that would be
reason enough for me.

Would you call me selfish?
No. Not to your face.
Is Josh giving you shit
because he's in
his postadolescent idealistic phase?

Look, there's Mr. Hall.
Mr. Hall! Mr. Hall!
Um, do you drink coffee?
Not from this cafeteria.
Yes, under normal circumstances.
I am such a retard.
When I was packing Daddy's lunch,
I gave him my lemon Snapple
and took his sucky Italian roast.
Do you want it?
You sure you don't want it?
Tscha! It might stunt my growth.
I want to be 5'10
like Cindy Crawford.

But I thought you or Miss Geist
might like it.

Maybe you could share it.
Well... thanks.
- Miss Geist!
- Miss Geist!

Did you sign up
for the environmental fair?

We will.
