Dead Man Walking

I'll do it.
You ever read the Bible?
Yes, ma'am. I ain't much of a Bible reader,
but I pick it up from time to time.

Like WC Fields read his Bible.
- Who?
- WC Fields.

Played this drunken character
in the movies.

He's on his deathbed and a friend
comes and sees him readin' the Bible.

The friend says "WC, you don't believe
in God. Why are you reading the Bible?"

And Fields says
"I'm lookin' for a loophole."

I ain't lookin' for no loophole.
Rain, rain, rain.
That's a bad sign. They already
executed one black - Tobias.

Wayne Purcell tonight. That's two blacks.
Time for a white. The governor's
under pressure to get a white.

And that's me!
Nigger on the gurney before me. I hope
they clean it before they put me on it.

Was your daddy a racist?
- What kind of question is that?
- You have to teach a child to hate.

- I just don't like niggers.
- Have you known any black people?

They was all around when I was a kid.
Lived around me.

- Did you ever play with a black child?
- No. Me and my cousin got jumped once.

- What happened?
- We was throwin' rocks at 'em.

Next day they wait their chance,
get ahold of our bikes, tear 'em up.

- Can you blame 'em?
- No.

But slavery's long over. They always
sayin' what a bad deal they got.

- The kids that tore up your bike?
- I can't stand people who are victims.

- Victims.
- Yeah. They all victims.

I don't know any victims in my area.
I know some decent, hard-workin' people.

I know a lot of lazy coloureds
suckin' up tax dollars.

- You sound like a politician.
- What's that mean?

- You ever been the object of prejudice?
- No.

What do people think about
inmates on death row?

- Why don't you tell me?
- They're all monsters.
