Demon Knight

Inside and out.
Maybe nobody here
can see it,
but I sure can.

I understand you.
I know what you want.
I know what you need.
Guys like Roach,
they think...

just because they're paying
for it that they can
treat you like shit.

If they spend the same money
on dinner and a movie,

they can call you "girlfriend"
instead of "whore. "

Whore, what a horrible word
that is...

to use on someone
who's really just a sad girl
who's looking for love.

Tender, warm,
unconditional love.

I can give you that love,
as much as you can take.

All you have to do
is let me in.

Let me in.
Let me in.
Let me in.
Let me in.
You okay?

- Hello, Wally.
- Hello, Cordelia.

I realized something awful
about myself tonight, Wally.

My whole life, I've avoided
the guys who really loved me.

Like you.
You really love me,
don't you, Wally?

Yes, Cordelia,
I really love you.

I've always loved you.
From the very first time
I delivered your mail.
