Die Hard: With a Vengeance

Zeus! Yo, partner! Wait up!
Hey, hey, hey, hey!
I ain't your partner.

I ain't your neighbour, your brother
or your friend. I'm your total stranger.

Okay, stranger...
you know where that park is
at 115th Street and St. Nicholas?

- Yeah, it's in Harlem.
- Where do you think we found that bomb?

Listen, this guy doesn't care
about skin colour, even if you do.

- What am I doin'?
- Cheer up. Things could be worse.

I was workin'
on a nice, fat suspension...

smokin' cigarettes
and watchin' Captain Kangaroo.

Come on.
Is that the phone?
Okay, they made it to the phone,
but there's a problem.

Well, what do you mean?
How big a problem?

Oh, about 300 pounds.
- And they're probably going to end up
having to get an operation.
- Ma'am? Excuse me, ma'am.

- We need this phone
for official police business.
- Do you mind!

- Honey, I'm a cop.
I need the phone right now.
- I'm sorry, but I can no--

Get off the damn phone, lady!
Police business!

- Well, I never!
- I can get used to this.

I'm sure you can find a phone
across the street, ma'am.

Let's get something straight.
I'm the only one here
on official police business.

- Don't ever do that shit again.
- Let's get somethin' else straight.

You need me
a lot more than I need you.

You don't like the way
I do things, fine. I quit.

I don't know.
All right, I need you.
All right, I need you
more than you need me.

- Hello!
- Birds of a feather flock together.
So do pigs and swine.

Rats and mice have their chance,
as will I have mine.

Nice. Rhymes.
- Why was the phone busy?
Who were you calling?
- The Psychic Hotline.

I'd advise you to take this
more seriously.

Look, it's a public phone!
What do you want me to say?

You can simply say
there was a fat woman on it, and it
took you a minute to get her off!
