Duo luo tian shi

Okay. Thanks. Bye bye.
Lend me a coin for the phone?
l know you're there.
Stop playing games

Pick up the phone, will you?
Damn you
l'll curse your next life

Marrying Johnny, eh?
l only asked you to pay
his electricity bill

And now you're marrying him
You scheming bitch

He doesn't love you
He's using you to bear him
a son He wants him...

...born in the Year ofthe Pig.
lt's already April

You won't have enough time
Oh, l get it
You got pregnant by another guy
and told Johnny it's his

lf l ever see you again...
...l'll flush you down the pan
like the shit you are

Hello? Hello?
l'm not finished yet Hello?

Give me another coin
Fuck The bitch has hung up on me
l need a shouler to cry on
The night's full ofweirdos.
This one seems to turn up
wherever l go.

l'm fine now. l'll pay you back
next time l see you.

Same old story.
