Forget Paris

:44:01 unsupervised.
- Lady!
- Could you--

This is disgusting.
Could you get off the phone?
l don't care if you want to surprise your
husband and the bitch he ran away with.

Get your crap off my counter now!
She's not happy. Mickey only...
...comes home four days a month.
She's in a strange city...
...all alone...
...with a job she hates,
working all hours, weekends, nights.

She was scared. This is LA.
She even got one of those dolls.
- What do you mean ''dolls''?
- It's called Safe-T-Man.

When you're scared you put it next to you.
People think it's a guy.

Those are good. My sister had one.
No one ever bothered her.

Yeah, that was the reason.
Now something happens to Ellen
you won't believe.

This is fabulous. l'll tell it. l tell it better.
I’m already telling it. When l finish
this story, you'll call me a liar.

But it's the God's honest truth.
Tell it good.

- She's sitting at home at night...
- It was day.

No, I'm on the first part of the story.
Oh, yeah. Night.
- She's sitting at home at night...
- At night.

...feeling miserable when she has...
:45:21 unexpected visitor.
The first husband from Paris?
A mouse. So she calls an exterminator.
Glue traps. They're not like the old kind
that snap their heads off.

A simple gluey piece of paper.
Put a little food in the middle.

The mouse comes, looks at the food,
goes for the food.

Gets stuck. So he squirms around
but can't get away.

It's how Lucy and I met.
lt's pretty cool.
Coming home the next day,
she hears a commotion in the living room.

Did she get a mouse in the glue?
Don't tell me.
