French Kiss

All right. You wait here.
I go get a... my car
and we go get your stuff, OK?

- So who is this guy who stole my bags?
- Bub.

- Bub?
- No. Bub.

Bub, like Bub Dylan.
- Bob.
- Bob.

- Now, why are you helping me?
- Why?

Because I like you. I do.
But I don't like the way that you say on
the plane, with your face scranched up,

"You're French, aren't you?"
I don't like the way you say, with your
eyes all squinty, "All men are bastards."

Please, don't break the car, OK?
OK. So I try to understand.
He tells you he has met this woman...
No, this... goddess.
He breaks your heart. He hu...
Hurts me. Humbles me.
- Humiliates you.
- Humiliates me.

OK, and then you come here to Paris
so that he can do it again,
