French Kiss

but this time right in your face.
No. I come to Paris
to get back the man that I love.

Is that so hard to understand,
even for a person like you?

- OK, and meanwhile his lover...
- Don't ever use that word again.

This bastard woman,
she's feeling something else, maybe?

Once he saw me, myself, moi, everything
would change, the spell would be broken.

You don't think
I could change his mind? I could.

I would remind him of our life together.
We had a perfect life.

- Evidently.
- I've never been so happy.

When someone says they are happy,
my ass begins to twitch.

We had plans, OK?
We had plans for a home and a family.

- I would remind him of that.
- He was obviously very attached to them.

- If all else failed...
- You'd get down on your knees and beg?

- It's possible.
- Now I can see it.

There is the goddess,
standing next to Charlie, in her negligee.

And you are there on your knees,

Poor Charlie. Tough decision.
- I didn't beg.
- No. You fainted.

I see how far you'd go
for the love of your life.

If you know so much about women, why
was no one at the airport to greet you?

- Oh, please. I'm finished with women.
- You haven't found the right one?

- I have found plenty of them.
- You're afraid of commitment.

- I'm not afraid of anything.
- I know your problem. No staying power.

- What do you mean?
- You can't stick it out.

- It's obvious.
- It is?

You are afraid of commitment.
OK, sorry. I thought you meant...

- What did you think...
- Nothing. Forget it.
