French Kiss

as soon as I talk to Charlie.
You guys are crazy.
I'm never gonna buy a house
or anything else worth anything.

Why not?
You think you own something like that
and it winds up owning you.

It becomes your entire life, then someone
forgets to put out their cigarette

and it all burns to the ground.
-Honey, hello.

Yeah, it's me, Charlie.
Are you all right? Is something wrong?

No. Yeah. Something's happened.
-What? What's wrong?

I'm just so happy.
You know, I'm just so happy
and so... fucked up.

I fucked up, definitely.
But it's destiny, Kate. That's what it is.

-What are you saying? What's destiny?
-Destiny? Yeah. OK.

Well, I met this woman.
This apparition, this goddesse.

-It's French for goddess.

And so is she, Kate. She's French.
I've never ever felt this way before.

Like I could do anything. I could rule
the worid, climb the highest mountain.

I could walk into a men's room and pee,
even with some big guy in line behind me.

What? What are you saying?
Charlie... Are you...
I'm not coming back.
I'm in love.
Love, like in a sonnet. Or in a movie.
Or like a...
Like... love.
I'm sorry, Kate.
I'm so sorry.
