Get Shorty

You either find my coat or give me
the $379 my ex-wife paid for it.

Puoi spiegare che Signor Barboni
ha prestato...

Wait, Ray Bones took my coat?
He borrow it. Somebody took his coat
so he tried this other coat and it fit good.

That was my coat!
He's not gonna keep it.
My car keys are in that coat.
Mr Barboni is a good customer.
He works for Jimmy Capp.

I know. Where's your phone?
This way.
Are you sure it was Ray Bones
that took the coat?

Tomorrow's gonna be warm,
you don't need the coat.

This is it.
Chili, get the coat,
just don't piss the guy off.

We'll straighten it all out with Momo,
he'll be pissed off. We don't need that.

Don't worry. I'll say no more
than I have to, if that.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, just a minute.
What are you, fucking nuts?
My nose! My nose!
