La Cité des enfants perdus

Just remember,
my ears are so sharp...

that l can hear you think.
Go buy yourself some sweets.
Don't overdo it.
Come on. Move your bum.
Go on. Here.
Move it!
Get the tools and let's beat it.
Move it!
Those rotten Cyclops.
Don't worry.
We know where to find them.

And him?
What about him?

You helped us out.
Here. Now we're even.

Hey, girl. Cyclops.
You know where to find Cyclops?

Will you get lost?
Beat it!
Happy birthday, Uncle dear
Our wish is mosf sincere
We hope this cake of ours
will bring you happiness

Good fortune and success
Wait till the candles are blown out!
ln fair or foul weafher
We'll always be togefher

Happy birthday, Uncle lrvin.
A cake for me?
You're really too kind.
Are you ready, children?
Not you.
You've got a cold.

One, two.
