Leaving Las Vegas

You go back to sleep...
and I'll go out
and get us some breakfast.

- Will you be careful?
- Don't worry.

Ben, I'm working tonight.
I know.
I fuckin' talk all the time
because you never fuckin' listen to me!

- So fuck you!
- Shut the fuck up.

I'd like a beer
and a double Kamikaze, please.

We mustn't kick the bar.
We lean into the bar.

Just lean into the railing.
It's not vino veritaz.
It's en vino veritaz.

Who the fuck are you talking to?
Little brown-nosed gnomes
with a slingshot.

- To be in drunk.
- Lean into the bar?

You lean into the bar.
My boyfriend over there
is really boring the shit out of me...

and I was wondering
if you would buy me a drink?

Do you mind
if I buy her a drink?

- I don't care what you do with her.
- I'll have a rum and Coke, please.

Barman, a rum and Coke.
Can I stay with you for awhile?
You mean move in with me?
lsn't this a bit sudden?
