Losing Isaiah

permanent foster care
for that child

for four years now.
No, no, go ahead...
send her back if that's
what the courts want.

But listen, you tell that
son-of-a-bitch judge...

that if her father
finally kills her,

not to come weeping to me.
... nothing says
I would wish it to be.

That's my grandma's song.
Yeah, she would've liked you.
You're a little fighter,
aren't you, huh?

Beans, beets, rice.
Hey, Ethel.
- There you go.
- Oh, let's see.

Give me just some rice
and veggies.

- Rice and veggies.
- Thanks.

You've been a social worker
for what, 15 years?

Let's say a nice,
well-meaning white lady

came into your office
and told you

she was thinking of taking
a black crack baby home,

thinking she could save it.
What would you say?
Not to.
It's insane, Margaret.
A black crack baby...
it's insane.

There's nothing wrong with him.
Well, he could have problems
that won't show up for years.

So could we.
Look, Charlie,
you haven't seen him.

I mean, there's something
so great about him.

He has... he has this spirit.
You can see it in his eyes.
And he has nothing.
He's so all alone.
You're lying,
you know you're lying.

Is you for real?
You-you really think your kids
don't know

that you turning tricks?
What are they, retarded?
Is anybody talking to you?
Where your kids think
you is right now...

on a Carnival cruise
or some shit?

Shut up, okay?
Like your kids
don't know

what you be doing
late at night?

Shut up, okay? Just shut up.
She just trying to help
your lying butt... that's all.
