
It does?
What would have happened
if I hadn't come along?

I'd have died.
And fast. Eight cars!
One would have done it.

Good thing Mrs Van Horn
asked me to drive her home.

Mrs Van Horn? Gretchen's mother?
- Why didn't she drive her home?
- We can't find Gretchen.

- She...
- She what?

The next time you start a car, leave
the garage doors open. Understand?

A chauffeur's daughter
should know better.

Yes, sir.
Bonjour, mesdames et messieurs!
Yesterday we have learnt
the correct way how to boil water.

Today we will learn the correct way
how to crack an egg.

"Voilá", an egg!
Now an egg is not a stone.
It is not made of wood.

It is a living thing with a heart.
So when we crack it
we must not torment it.

We must be merciful and execute it
quickly, like with the guillotine.

It is done with one hand.
Kindly watch the wrist.

"Voilá." One, two, three, crack!
You see? It is all in the wrist.
And now, everybody, take an egg.
One, two, three, crack!
New egg.
One, two, three, crack!
New egg. One, two, three, crack!
Take an egg. Crack!
