
Today we will learn the correct way
how to crack an egg.

"Voilá", an egg!
Now an egg is not a stone.
It is not made of wood.

It is a living thing with a heart.
So when we crack it
we must not torment it.

We must be merciful and execute it
quickly, like with the guillotine.

It is done with one hand.
Kindly watch the wrist.

"Voilá." One, two, three, crack!
You see? It is all in the wrist.
And now, everybody, take an egg.
One, two, three, crack!
New egg.
One, two, three, crack!
New egg. One, two, three, crack!
Take an egg. Crack!
The wrist, huh? Like a whip.
You watch.

One, two, three, crack! New egg.
"Dear Father, or Cher Papa
as we say over here."

"Isn't my French getting good?"
"We finally finished our four-week
course in sauces, thank goodness!"

"Soups were tough
but sauces just about killed me."

"I almost flunked my hollandaise.
It kept separating on me."

Too much vinegar.
Does she mention David?

Mr Linus is ready to go into town.
- What does she say about David?
- Not a word.

No, wait. Here's something.
- "I don't think of David very much."
- That's good.

- "Except at night."
- That's bad.

"I decided to be sensible
and tore up his picture."

That's good.
- "Please mail me some Scotch tape."
- That's bad.
