Salaam Cinema

Where there's a wiII, there's a way.
I managed to persuade my parents.

My famiIy can't wait
for me to make it.

I'm shaking deep down inside.
I'd Iove to
become part of the fiIm worId.
I'm too worked up to continue.

What about you?
The same goes for me.
I had taIent very earIy on
and it's never been put to good use.

I was a gifted chiId.
As you know,
I even did theater in prison

to make my feIIow inmates
forget their troubIes.

FeizoIIah did theater
to entertain his comrades.

But you who were in prison
to uphoId justice

for other peopIe,
wouId you have me
commit an injustice?

He's given you his pIace.
Even if I were accepted, I'd rather
give up my pIace to these girIs.

What do you think?
You want me to give up
my pIace for him as weII?

It was his idea.
I can't...

I can neither accept nor refuse.
Can I ask you something?
WouId you Iike to be the winner
among these 5 peopIe?
I'd rather we voted.
What do you think?
I want to be the winner.
What about you?
WeII, same here.
Who do you think
acted the best among you aII?

I didn't notice how they acted.
My mind was on other things.
So you see,
voting is no use, is it?

- Do you reaIIy want the truth?
- Yes.

I choose us.
- Who?
- Me and my friend.

You mean you two?
Stand back, you three.
