
a long time, and not from poison.
Oh, man.
How can you let yourself go like that?
It took 4 orderlies just
to get him on the table.

- How'd the fat fuck fit out his door?
- Please. Obviously he was a shut-in.

Look. See how big this stomach is?
And the strange thing is,
it stretches.

Look at the size of the
cardiac orifice, where the food...

I see that, but it means
nothing to me.

Okay, he's got lines of distention...
across the duodenum.
The interior wall's ripped open.
This man ate till he burst?
He didn't really burst. Not all the
way. He was hemorrhaging internally.

There was a hematoma
in the rectus and...

- the transverse abdominous muscles.
- He did die by eating?

Yes and no.
What about these bruises here?
I haven't figured that out yet.
Gun pressed against his head?
Pressed hard enough.
Fuck, yeah.
On the front, flush with the muzzle.
Ladies and gentlemen,
we have ourselves a homicide.

Killer put a bucket beneath him,
kept on serving. Took his time too.

Coroner said it could have lasted
more than 12 hours.

Victim's throat was swollen,
probably from the effort...

and there was a point
when he passed out.

That's when the killer kicked him...
- and he burst.
- Sadistic fucker.

When you want somebody dead,
you drive by and shoot.

You don't risk the time
it takes to do this...

- unless the act itself has meaning.
- Come on.

Somebody had a problem with a fat boy
and tortured him. Simple as that.

In the grocery bags...
we found 2 receipts. So,
the killer stopped and went back...

to the supermarket.
Man, it's his thing.
I've been out in the rain all day.
