Something to Talk About

:34:01 town in high heels,
but I'm asking anyway!

If there's anyone who, for any reason,
has had any kind of sex...

...with my goddamn husband,
I think I have a right to know!

You're losing it.
I'll start.
-Who do you think you are?
-Sit down.

Kitty, did you know that Bill had an affair
with Dr. Davenport's dental hygienist?

That's not true!
Eleanor, you slept with George MacMurry
in Antigua. Lucy told me.

-That's enough!
-I won't dignify this with my presence.

Can't we be honest with each other?
You're supposed to be my friends!

If your friends won't tell you the truth,
who will?

I mean, who do we think we're kidding?
Leave me alone! I want to be by myself!
It was the best meeting
we've had in years.

What are you doing?
You almost busted up every marriage
we know.

You can help them.
You're such a Good Samaritan.

Oh, come on, Grace! We can't do this!
Can't we just get some help, or something?
George and Trudy went through this.
They got some help.

They worked it out.
Trudy's on Prozac.
Well, don't we know any normal people?
No one springs to mind.
All right, Grace. What?
Do you want a divorce?
Is that what you want?
I'll do whatever you say.

A divorce?
Is that what you want?
Is that what you want?
