The American President

...if they made the impertinent gesture
of dancing...

...without so much as a by-your-leave
from the King and the Queen.

I bet no one accused Louis
of being soft on crime.

- There's a lesson there, Mr.President.
- More beheadings at the White House.

Bob Rumson would embrace it.
Yes, I'm sure he would.
I have a better idea.
Would you like to dance?
Yeah, I guess.
I mean, yes, sir...
...I'd love to.
I don't know how you do it.
It's Arthur Murray. Six lessons.
That's not what I mean.
Two hundred pairs of eyes are focused
on you right now with two questions:

"Who's this girl?" and,
"Why is the President dancing with her?"

First of all, the 200 pairs of eyes
are not focused on me.

They're focused on you.
And the answers are,
"Sydney Ellen Wade."

"Because she said 'yes.'"
