The Crossing Guard

Come on! Come on!
Come on!
Come on!

Sir, pull your vehicle
over to the right.

- Sir, just stay in your vehicle.
- There's a gun on the seat.

There's a gun in the car?
Step back here, sir.

Step back here.
Step over here, sir.
Stop right there. Turn around.

Place your hands behind your head,
interlace your fingers.

Do you have
any other weapons on you?

Spread your feet for me.
- I got a permit for the gun.
- You got a permit for the gun?

- Yes.
- Why do you carry a gun, sir?

I'm a jeweler.
I got a jewelry store.

It's all I have.
I carry the gun to protect what I have.

I can understand that. Do you
have the permit on you right now?

- Yes, it's in my wallet.
- Okay.

Put your hands down
for me.

A.45, Dennis. It's loaded.
There's one in the chamber.

It's loaded?

Take out your wallet, sir. Is your
driver's license in there also?

Yes, sir.
just hand it to me.

He says there's a permit
for the gun in there, so-

The reason we stopped you
is you were driving a little
erratically this evening, sir.
