The Net

- ls that business or pleasure?
- ls there a difference?

Not a great deal,
if you're a hacker.

Nice hardware.
l assume you're in the business?

- lsn't everybody?
- Nope.

God, we're pathetic, aren't we?
Excuse me?
Well, we're here.
We're sitting on a perfect beach,
and all we can think about is ...

- Where can l hook up my modem?
- Exactly.

l'm Jack Devlin.
- Angela Bennett.
- Angela. Hi.

My most embarrassing secret?
You know ''Breakfast at Tiffany's''?

lt's my favourite film.
l wore out my membership renting it.

You know
what l'm talking about, then.

When l was about thirteen,
l had this sort of ...

... identity crisis.
- I thought l was in the film.
- That you were Audrey Hepburn?

No, I used to think l was the cat.
l'd sit there and l'd play out
the last scene of the movie -

- over and over again.
You know the last scene?
The alleyway in the pouring rain.

l'm soaked to the bone,
and l'm scared, and ...
