The Net

My most embarrassing secret?
You know ''Breakfast at Tiffany's''?

lt's my favourite film.
l wore out my membership renting it.

You know
what l'm talking about, then.

When l was about thirteen,
l had this sort of ...

... identity crisis.
- I thought l was in the film.
- That you were Audrey Hepburn?

No, I used to think l was the cat.
l'd sit there and l'd play out
the last scene of the movie -

- over and over again.
You know the last scene?
The alleyway in the pouring rain.

l'm soaked to the bone,
and l'm scared, and ...

l'm abandoned. l'm alone.
And that's it.
Would you have dinner
with me tonight?

- Come on, it's your last night!
- You know what?

- l'd actually really love to.
- Great.

- lt's a company perk.
- Some perk!

l think l got a calendar one year
from Cathedral.
