Tommy Boy

You're gonna remember this
the rest of your life!

I can't believe you've never been
cow tipping before.

Get ready to live.
She's sleeping.
What you do is, you put your shoulder
into her, and you push.

- And?
- They fall over.

And this doesn't strike you
as kind of dumb?

We're family. We'll be doing
lots of dumb stuff together.

Wait till Christmas.
Keep your feet shoulder-width apart.
Stay between the udder and the hock.
It's a 32 Belly option. On two, on two.

Son of a...!
- Holy shnikes!
- Hey! Get off my property!

Run for it! Run for it!
- I'll save you, brother!
- Get away from me!

Get up! I love you!
Hey, get me. My turn. Over here.
These shoes are Italian.
They're worth more than your life.

Man, did I get douched with mud!
Hey, Chucko.
That doesn't smell like mud.

Oh, man, that's cold!
Did you eat a lot of paint chips
when you were a kid?

Morning, Ricky.
