Big Night

Th an k God,
Ok ay, her e we go,

I'm just so hungry.
That look s good.
You got I eaves with yours,

Here we go.
Ok ay.

Mon sieur, i s thi s wh at I or der ed?

Yes, it is risotto, a speci al r ecipe
that my br other and I bri n g fr om Italy,

It's delicious, I pr omi se,
It took so long I thought you went
back to Italy to get it,

I know, but it's worth it, I promise.
You would lik e fr esh pepper or cheese?

- No, I don 't n eed ch eese,
- Ch eese, yeah,

Excu se me, Didn't you say thi s would be
ri ce with seafood?

Yes, It is Itali an arborio ri ce,
the best,

Th en with shrimp and scallop and...
I don't see anything that looks lik e
a shri mp or scall op,

I mean, it's just not
wh at I expected.

But I get spaghetti with thi s,

Wh y? Well, no,
I thought all mai n cou rses
come with spaghetti.

Some yes. But you see,
ri sotto is rice, so it is a star ch,

And it doesn't go r eally
with pasta,

Honey, order a side of spagh etti,
that's al I.

- An d I'll eat your meatball s,
- He'I I have th e meatball s,

Well, the spagh etti comes
without meatballs,

There ar e no meatball s
with the spaghetti?

No, Someti mes spaghetti lik es
to be alone.

Then I guess we'll also have
a side or der of meatballs.

This i s fi n e, Let's ju st eat.
All ri ght, no meatballs,
We'll have a side or der of spaghetti,

Pri mo, please, just...
Come on,

I want to kn ow for who.
Just mak e me the si de order
of spaghetti, please,

Secondo, I want to know
who i s it for,

For the lady with the risotto,
