Capitaine Conan

there are 100'000 guilty
who get away!

I couldn't agree more, sir.
Those shot as an example
deserve to be.

Sure! Shoot a few'
so the rest think twice!

We haven't the choice of arms.
A firing sguad is one.

Your men's knives, another.
No offense, sir...
but I recruited lots of my boys
from the brig.

I don't know many who'd go
where they've gone! Not many!

Before making an example'
follow their example!

So you've gone over to the enemy?
How you talk!
There's no more enemy!

Don't believe it!
The enemy's changed, that's all.
No Bulgars, Turks or Boches now, OK'
but one false move and the brass
hats will fix your wagon good.

You heard the Major!
Even De Scève!

It's not our world, Norbert.
If you join their circus'
they'll eat you raw.

May I?
"Caillaux, René. 5th Fusiliers.
"Cited twice:
"Captured machine-gun...
Retrieved wounded sergeant..."

So what's the charge?
"Theft of gear."
Two blankets? Some prick
nailed him for two blankets!

He's the one they should shoot!
Funny, these thefts: All privates!
I saw colonels steal their stripes!
Never on the list!

Come in.
All of it?
Just half. Leave the pail.
I don't doss here now, Rouzic.
I found something in town.

My little Romanian tutor...
This is parguetry!
Maybe so.
- Where'd you get this?
- So long as it burns!

There's nothing to this!
A crock!

I've done 10 times worse.
And this colonial?
3 days to find his regiment...
