City Hall

I want to welcome the
Revs. Williams and Birch...

- You got the probation report?
- In the office.

I'll be there in a minute.
- And my dear friend
Reverend Milton Parks...

...of the First Church of Harlem...
...Reverend Chapman
and Reverend Murray.

Thank you
for coming here today.

I know it wasn't easy for you.
Well, what can I say?
How do I start this?

There is one thing, as mayor...
...that I will never get over...
...and that is the death
of a police officer.

There is one thing in life
that I will never get over...

...and that is the death
of an innocent child.

But this is an incident
that won't go away...

Tino Zapatti's probation report.
The whole city...
... all parts of the city...
... Bushwick, Jamaica,
Washington Heights...

... Brownsville, Harlem...
This thing looks okay.
Very okay. But
there is a conviction.

Criminal possession
in the fourth degree.

In the fourth degree. A 4-C.
It's a probational offense.

Practically a misdemeanor.
Kevin, there are 4-Cs,
and there are 4-Cs.

You keep looking at that
as if it weren't kosher.

A cut of meat is kosher.
A piece of fish...

...savory foods are kosher.
But a probation report is not kosher.

A probation report is merely
a probation report.

I am a good Louisiana
lapsed Catholic, Abe.

Don't talk to me about kosher.
Give it to me straight.

What's wrong with this?
It's too kosher.
Translate that for me.
The Virgin looks pregnant to me.
Look. The supervisor signed this.
So what?
That's a lot of weight for a 4-C.
So what happened...
:12:46 the original
little probation officer?

Where is his signature?
Do you know this supervisor?
His name is Schwartz.
- A landsman of yours?
- Landsman...

Stop trying your Yiddish out on me.
You sound like a Shakespearean actor
from a Savannah pogrom.
