Courage Under Fire

I gotta get the fuck out of here.
Work your way to grid line Charlie.
Cougar-6 to all Cougar elements.
Let's get the hell out of here.

Whoa! What the...
Oh, shit!
All Sabre units, this is Sabre-6.
We just lost a tank.
Anybody see the shooter?

- I didn't see anything.
- Where they coming from?

Who the hell is shooting at us?
Liberty-6, we got enemy tanks...
retreating grid 7-6...
- Patella, that one of our tanks?
- Hard to tell.

Make it out, and fast!
Oh, shit! We're almost browning out.
Nat, what's happening?
Liberty-6, we got enemy tanks on our flank.
We have contact.

This is Cougar-6.
Enemy tangos at phase line delta. Over.
- Patella, find me a target.
- I think I got one, sir.

Do you or do you not have a target?
I think so!
Gunner, Sabot, tank.
Identify! Up!
He just fired, sir.
They're firing at us!
- Loader!
- Up, sir!

Yeah! That's the one!
All right.
Sabre-6, we just lost Cougar-6.
- We got him.
- Sabre, you just lit up a friendly!

I heard you! We... what?
Oh, my God.
You just lit up Boylar, goddamn it!
Sabre-6, Nat, what's happening?
Patella, was that one of our tanks?
He fired, sir.
At us or at the T-72s?
I don't know.
At us or at the T-72s?
I don't know!
Oh, Jesus fucking Christ.
Colonel Serling, report status now.
They have range on us, sir.
