Get on the Bus

People in the office asked me about...
...Malcolm X, Martin Luther King.
I said I didn't even
know them cats.

The truth of the matter is,
I didn't believe in...

...troublemakers and rabble-rousers.
No, sir.

White man had me
in his hip pocket 100%.

And that was all right with me.
Soon I was getting a raise every year,
just like everybody else.

And got my little office
down in personnel.

My own office. Yep.
Bought this great big house
out in the suburbs.

Cars for me and my wife, college
for the kids, the whole thing.

Paid down on this expensive boat.
When I was at the company...
...I trained a lot of people,
mostly white, some women.

Every one of them
got promoted over me.

That should've told me something.
But it didn't.

Not me. I had it made. Oh, man.
Everybody from the president on down,
the whole company...

...Ioved good, old, faithful...
Jeremiah. Oh, man...

...they integrated me
lock, stock and barrel.

And I loved it.
Thirty-three years...
...with the company.
I never missed a day.
And then...
...they had a big merger.
Instead of giving me the watch
I'd been waiting for...

...they gave old Jeremiah
the pink slip.

"We regret to inform you...
...that your services
will no longer be required."

Now, I didn't see
how they could just...

...throw a man away.
I couldn't accept it.
So I went to the new management...
...and put on a show
that you wouldn't believe.

I talked more trash...
...showed more teeth...
...kissed white ass...
I begged that man...
...for my job.
And I got it.
30% reduction in pay...
