Get on the Bus

Everybody from the president on down,
the whole company...

...Ioved good, old, faithful...
Jeremiah. Oh, man...

...they integrated me
lock, stock and barrel.

And I loved it.
Thirty-three years...
...with the company.
I never missed a day.
And then...
...they had a big merger.
Instead of giving me the watch
I'd been waiting for...

...they gave old Jeremiah
the pink slip.

"We regret to inform you...
...that your services
will no longer be required."

Now, I didn't see
how they could just...

...throw a man away.
I couldn't accept it.
So I went to the new management...
...and put on a show
that you wouldn't believe.

I talked more trash...
...showed more teeth...
...kissed white ass...
I begged that man...
...for my job.
And I got it.
30% reduction in pay...
:31:01 benefits...
...but it was a job.
It was mine.
Two years ago...
...a lot of loose Japanese
money coming in...

...hostile takeover,
some kind of stuff.

Company got lean and mean for the
new world order of the 21 st century.

Downsized my black ass
right out the door...

...and then...
...Iocked it.
Threw away the key.
No job...
:31:31 future, no nothing.
Of course, I had to get stupid.
I took to drinking.
I lost my wife, cars, house...
:31:46 good name.
Now, all my worldly possessions and
the rest of my life is in that bag.

As a matter of fact...
...if something good...
...don't happen to Jeremiah,
and soon...
