Happy Gilmore

Wait. He´s restrained himseIf.
Maybe this is a new Happy GiImore.

Another tournament here in DaIIas,
and Shooter McGavin wins again.

He´s won here 3 years in a row.
That son of a bitch!
Give me my baII! Give it here!
Cough it up, you dirty bastard!

I´II rip it out of you!
Give me--
Give me the baII.
You have one eye.
You took his hand.
That Happy GiImore is a reaI crack-up.
He´s a hoot!

He´s bringing in
some big crowds.

Today, one of his fans mooned me.
He had ""HAPPY"" written on his ass.

""HA"" was on one cheek
and ""PPY"" on the other.

I Iove what he´s doing for goIf.
-WeII, I´m starting to come around.
-Everyone is.

WeII, I´m not, Doug!!
This man is destroying goIf.
I saw two fat bikers in the woods
off 17 having sex.

How can I chip
with that going on?
