La Sindrome di Stendhal

"The symptoms include a cold sweat,
nausea, anxiety, hallucinations,

severe depression
and personality changes."

In 1817, the French writer Stendhal
was in Florence.

He was admiring the works of art
in the church of Santa Croce...

when he was overcome
by a powerful emotion.

It had happened to others
before him,

but he was the first to write
about the phenomenon in his diary.

What happened to you in the Uffizi
is known as Stendhal Syndrome.

"My feeling is so profound
that it borders on pity..."

"All this speaks clearly to my
soul. If only I could forget it."

There was a certain happiness in
the powerful feeling of Stendhal's.

Yet, in spite of that...
the only thing he wanted to do
was forget it.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Can I come in?
Everything ok? Stupid question.
I brought you something.

Videos... Buster Keaton films...
for a laugh.

Frozen pizzas.
And a bunch of flowers... for you.
Marco... I don't want these things.
Don't worry,
I'll leave it for you anyway.

- Are you eating these?
- Yes.
