Lepa sela lepo gore

Yo, Chetties! The truck
driver's not bad.

We'll bury him
with the spare parts!

We've stuck our pricks
in a wasps' nest!

Let's make a strategy to
vanish out of here, Big Serbs!

Not a bad party,
eh, Doctor?

Damn it, the doctor!
I forgot about her!

Hold your fire!
Damn me to hell!
How could I forget!
Doctor! Doctor!

Fork, keep an eye
on the Muslims!

And you, don't lose
your cool! Enough!

I'm cool, Captain!
Don't rely on my English.
She said she made a mistake,
it was a misunderstanding...

Look, a Muslim visa. -She's
sorry she hid in my truck,

she knows she broke the law
and will be punished,
