Looking for Richard

It doesn't work.

It's not just the pigeon stuff.
It doesn't work. It has no sense of...

- What are you...? When...?
KIMBALL: No enclosure.

Frederic, it's pointless.
HADGE: For God's sakes, it's a prison.
- We need a place...

...where Clarence
is being held prisoner.

It's gotta be a... It's a prison.
Aha. See the tower?
It's going to be in the chamber...
...where the bell ringing unit is.
It's a really beautiful space.

It's got this shaft of white light
coming down from the top.

That's where we'd place that.

This is nice. Nice light.
Shall we stab him as he sleeps?

MACVITTIE: No. He'll say it was
done cowardly, when he wakes.

GUILFO YLE: He shall never wake
until the great judgment-day.

Faith, certain dregs of conscience
are here within me.

Remember our reward,
when the deed is done.

- Come, he dies.
- Where's thy conscience now?

In the Duke of Gloucester's purse.
When he opens his purse
to give us thy reward...

...thy conscience flies out.
- 'Tis no matter.

- Few or none entertain it.
- What if it come to thee again?

I'll not meddle with it.
It makes a man a coward.
A man cannot steal, but it accuseth him.
A man cannot lie, but it cheques him.

A man cannot lie
with his neighbor's wife...

...but it detects him.
And any man that means to live well...
...endeavors to trust to himself
and live without it.

...shall we fall to work?
