Looking for Richard

GUILFO YLE: He shall never wake
until the great judgment-day.

Faith, certain dregs of conscience
are here within me.

Remember our reward,
when the deed is done.

- Come, he dies.
- Where's thy conscience now?

In the Duke of Gloucester's purse.
When he opens his purse
to give us thy reward...

...thy conscience flies out.
- 'Tis no matter.

- Few or none entertain it.
- What if it come to thee again?

I'll not meddle with it.
It makes a man a coward.
A man cannot steal, but it accuseth him.
A man cannot lie, but it cheques him.

A man cannot lie
with his neighbor's wife...

...but it detects him.
And any man that means to live well...
...endeavors to trust to himself
and live without it.

...shall we fall to work?
PACINO: While this is going on with
Clarence, his brother is in the castle...

... trying to make peace.
KIMBALL: They've been summoned
for the atonement meeting.

That's why everybody
is in the castle.

The making peace.
The king's family
are in incredible conflict.

He dares not die until he knows they
won't pull the whole thing apart...

...as soon as he's dead.
I every day expect an embassage
from my Redeemer to redeem me hence.

PACINO: The king wants this peace to
happen because he wants to make sure...

... that after he's gone
his children will continue the reign.

He and his wife must hope...
...that they will.
We know that you have another agenda.

