
- Julius ate two M&Ms.
- And she caught him?

Of course!
- Was Julius okay?
- He lived, if that's what you mean.

She used to be in the Olympics.
Shot-put, javelin, hammer throw.

So she does this all the time?
- It's better than the Chokey.
- Chokey?

It's a tall hole in the wall.
A drippy pipe with jagged edges.

The walls have nails sticking out.
Get in, you festering bowl of pus!
I've been in there twice.
- Didn't you tell your parents?
- Would your parents believe it?

You must obey Miss Trunchbull.
No. Here she comes!
Ah! Fresh meat!
- Amanda Thripp.
- Yes. Miss Trunchbull.

What are those...
hanging down by your ears?

- You mean my pigtails?
- Are you a pig?

- No. Miss Trunchbull.
- Do I allow pigs in my school?

- My mommy thinks they're sweet.
- Your mommy is a twit!

- Chop them off by tomorrow, or...
- But...

Did you say "but"?

- Hammer throw.
- Definitely.

I'll give you "but".
