
No, you're right.
We've got to get a plan together.

Think fast. Wear these
till you get some of your own.

Don't make me want to kick your ass.
Come on. Come on.
Look at this. This is a great coat.
I love this old coat.

- Always use the garden gate.
- We should black out the windows.

Good idea. We have to come
up with a strategy for work.

- We're going to get a lot done.
- We're going to kick ass.

- And Ted...
- We're going to destroy Ted.

We'll ruin him. Bring him down.
Crush him. And I'll break his neck.

Laura's home.
Hi, honey.
Zack, help me.
- What are you doing up there?
- I was looking for something.

- You look really beautiful today.
- I do?

Do you want to go to the pony rides?
We could go to the movies tonight.
We could car pool, if you want.
No, I could pick you up.

- Doug! When did you get here?
- Six. Half day today, Teddy?
