
Hi, honey.
Zack, help me.
- What are you doing up there?
- I was looking for something.

- You look really beautiful today.
- I do?

Do you want to go to the pony rides?
We could go to the movies tonight.
We could car pool, if you want.
No, I could pick you up.

- Doug! When did you get here?
- Six. Half day today, Teddy?

Let's have that meeting now, Del.
Here's the report on the Palisades.

- When did you do all this?
- We should do them every morning.

Two minutes. Conference room.
Find out what he had for breakfast.

- Morning. Meeting start yet?
- I thought you were in the meeting.

- Did you see me?
- Yes, but in a different shirt.

Yes, but do you know why?
I spilled coffee on it.

- Then I went to my truck when...
- I was in the ladies room?

Perfect. I have another shirt.
which I keep for emergencies.
