
I stuck it into his knees and tore
it up, so the kneecap came out.

I'll tell you, Frank, I think a lot
about doing something else.

- Just leaving this all behind.
- What would you do?

Milo's a good cook, right?
Especially cakes.

But I'm a good cook, too.
Shish kebab. That's my specialty.

You gotta try it sometime.
I get special spices for it.

There's nothing else like it.
I mean it, I'm thinking about
opening a restaurant.

I haven't told anyone but you,
not even Milo.

It's top secret.
But it's got to be the right place.
- In town?
- Yeah, if I can make it all happen.

Then Milo can deliver the desserts.
Don't tell me you like that stuff.
No way... He can't bake.

- He doesn't eat them himself.
- I know why.

- Frank...
- Do you have the money or not?

- I thought we agreed...
- Fuck that, I need it now.

- I can get it on the first.
- I need it now, not on the first.

Don't touch me!
Let's see some fuckin' money.

You've owed me 52 for a long time.
Why haven't you paid?

I had some problems.
There's some things...

You think it's a joke?
- It's not a game anymore.
- Calm down.

If you don't help me,
I can't help you. I need it now.
