Sgt. Bilko

- Nelson.
- Huh?

Are you busy? Will you
marry me? I love you.

I just never realised it until now.
Well, the thing is, Rita,
I'm engaged... to your sister.

(bell tolls)
Don't ask. Don't even ask.
OK, ask.
Bunny face,
you won't believe what happened.

There was this busload of sweet geriatrics.
They went rolling down a mountain side...

Do you think I'm an idiot?
Ask Wally. He's new, a real straight arrow,
never told a lie in his life. Wally?

Sweetheart, sweetheart...
Oh, baby... angel puff, you're overreacting!
- You know, it's... Ooh! Bad turnout.
- It was full an hour ago.

Oh, sweetie, I... (gasps) I'm well!
Sweetie, what can I do
to make it up to you?

Whaddaya want? Just tell me.
I'll do anything.

I've been waiting for seven years.
What do I want? I want my seven years
back. I can't live like this, Ernie.

I've got a maid of honour
on call 24 hours a day.

And I'm the only woman with a wedding
dress that's falling apart from wear.

- I'm sorry.
- I think you love me, Ernie.

But you're so slippery, it's impossible
to know what you're thinking.

Well, thank you.
I don't understand
what you're so afraid of.

You know what I wanna do
right here, right now?

No. Don't.
No. No, not this time.
- Don't, please.
- One game, to 500.

Don't. Please don't.
Spade. It's a double.
