
but you didn't have
to throw the game.

Yeah, now we're
the Salvation Army.

You ever wonder why
there ain't a Salvation Navy?

Game over, losers.
Cough up the cash.

A buck each.
He's no better than you.
He was today.
No. You let him beat you -
'cause Irish here has a thing
for little girls with no legs.

Stay away from us,
Fat Man, all right?

You boys are soft like bread.
It's going to catch up to you...
And when it does,
it's going to hurt bad.

What happens
is our business, not yours, OK?

You gotta stay tough
to be tough.

Guys smells it when you're weak?
Eat you like a salad.
You see that street?
That street is the dish of life,
and you boys are appetizers.
Somebody going
to come along, eat you up,

and forget about you by dessert.
Take it easy, Fat Man.
It was just a stickball game.
Yeah, but going soft is a habit.
You have to keep yourself mean
and guide your life around it.
All right. Calm down.
It's like hanging out with
fucking Confucius over here.

Be funny, limp dick.
Look, this just free advice
from me to you.

You take it
or you throw it away.

It don't matter.
In truth, we were all surprised
by Michael's actions,

but in his mind,
losing that game

and handing a feeling of victory
to a girl in a wheelchair

was more than
the right thing to do.

Come on. I'm so sweaty.
The temperature
topped out at 98 degrees

on the day our lives
were forever altered.

I'm frying like an egg up here.
I say we get some butter rolls,
a couple of sodas,

then make off to the dock.
Can't you feel
the breeze up here?

What breeze? We're surrounded
by a wall, genius.

The devil couldn't
even stand this.

Will you guys shut up?
I'm trying to get my burn.

It's 98 degrees.
We haven't hit the hot dog
vendor in a couple of weeks.

I don't know, Mikey.
Hot dog guy
ain't like the others.

I mean, he was pretty pissed -
like crazy - when you tried
to take him off.

We can eat hot dogs,
or we can eat air.

Air's probably safer, Mike.
