
It don't matter.
In truth, we were all surprised
by Michael's actions,

but in his mind,
losing that game

and handing a feeling of victory
to a girl in a wheelchair

was more than
the right thing to do.

Come on. I'm so sweaty.
The temperature
topped out at 98 degrees

on the day our lives
were forever altered.

I'm frying like an egg up here.
I say we get some butter rolls,
a couple of sodas,

then make off to the dock.
Can't you feel
the breeze up here?

What breeze? We're surrounded
by a wall, genius.

The devil couldn't
even stand this.

Will you guys shut up?
I'm trying to get my burn.

It's 98 degrees.
We haven't hit the hot dog
vendor in a couple of weeks.

I don't know, Mikey.
Hot dog guy
ain't like the others.

I mean, he was pretty pissed -
like crazy - when you tried
to take him off.

We can eat hot dogs,
or we can eat air.

Air's probably safer, Mike.
Yeah. Hot dogs ain't worth
bleeding over, Mikey.

Yeah. But anyway,
whose turn was it?

- Yours.
- Yours.

Mine? It's not my turn.
Yes, it is.
I went last month.
He went two weeks...
Last month?
I went right after him.
I'm not going.
- Why not?
- It's too hot.

Musta, onions.
No soda.
I know you.
I look like a lot of people.
The scam was simple.
I was to walk up
to the hot dog vendor

and order what I wanted.
The vendor would then
hand me my hot dog

and watch as I ran off
without paying.

This left a vendor with two
choices, neither very appealing.

He could stand his ground and
swallow his loss, or give chase.

The second forces him
to abandon the cart,

where my friends could feast
in his absence.

Uh, I'm gonna need two napkins.
Hey! My money, thief!.
