Space Truckers

Hey, John
Still working independent, John?
Still own my own rig
pick my own loads

And don't sell ads space
on my tits

if that's what you're
talking about

You're back for Kev's funeral?
I didn't hear it
In his load
he got into the scum cluster

Not much of it came out
Hijackers killed him huh?
And then some
Who do you think got him?
There's this Captain Macanudo
That guy's a damn depraved animal
Captured Kev's load
All they sent back was his dick
Using a tennis ball for the coffin
Cremation would've had more
dignity if you ask me

Anyways, John, we're planning on
having a wake after the service

You held Inter Pork hogs?
Yeah, they are my hogs
until I get paid for them

Jesus, look at that
Some piece of garbage
wrapped in human skin

Is trying to jack my load
You want to see me, Mr. Keller?
Yeah, I understand you just
graduated from space truck school

I need someone to
push a shipment of square hogs

To Little Chicago on Titan
Square pigs?
Isn't that John Canyon's load?
It's Inter Pork load
I fired Canyon yesterday
You got a feeling about that
one way or the other?

No, I barely know the guy
Cause it's about 1,500 out of the
freight push so you want that job

Yeah, I'm the best
