Spy Hard

- Boy, that was fun.
- Y eah.
- Thank you!

Oh, man, they don't do stuff
like that at the agency any more.

I'm sorry to hear that, Steve.
- Uh, Dickie... there is something.
- Relax, sugar.

Steve, I'm out of the Service.
There's a plot
to launch a satellite.

- Now, I'm out of the Service.
Talk about something else.

- Bishop.
- Bishop here.

- Got a new lead. Gonna need you here.
- Uh-huh. Yeah.

- And get a dozen eggs and a gallon of milk.
- Okay.

- I'll leave right away.
- Thank you, sir.

- No more headsets.
Ear buttons. They put the receiver
right in your head now.

- I gotta get back to the hotel.
- The director wants you to see this.
- I'm not interested, Steve.

Please, Dickie.
Take a look at the tape.

Please, Dickie.
Take a look at the tape.

It'll change your mind.
She makes a pretty hood ornament,
don't you think?

[ Chuckles ] Yes, it is I,
good ol' General Rancor.

I'm back, big as life
and twice as ugly.

- All Steele did was
blow off a couple of arms.

- Rancor!
- That's no biggie, no big
thing. Now I got plenty of arms.

- He can't be alive.
- Your pretty Barbara Dahl-
- My God!

Barbara Dahl.
