
If they Iast Ionger, they win.
1 0 minutes. Sounds easy, huh?

Of course they aIl think they can Iast.
If I win, I doubIe the price.

They win-they get a free trick.
If they come realIy quick- I tripIe it!

What do you think?
Great if they're quick-shooters.
I Iearned a trick from this
quack doctor.

There's a spot between their ass
and their baIIs.

Oh god, it works fucking great.
I brought you something.
You shouIdn't have.
It was given to me anyway.
Hang on, it's downstairs.
I wonder what it is?
Is it big?
What's your name?
Mine's GIico.
GIico. Weird name huh?
Do you know what GIico is?
It's a kind of candy.
Japanese businessmen grow up
sucking on GIico.

Wonder what she's bringing me?
Are you Shizuko's sister?
I don't speak Chinese.
No Chinese?
Then who are you?
You're so cute.
What's your name?
Doesn't have one, she says.
CaII her anything you want.
Is that aII?
Everyone has to get by
on their own.

Work hard so you get out'a
here soon
