The Frighteners

and I couldn't breathe, Frank,
I just couldn't breathe.

I have the shakes.
I need some vitamin B.

You can't take vitamins anymore.
You don't eat, drink or go to
the bathroom. All that's over with.

In a year, you'll get another chance
for the other side, to be a pure spirit.

In the meantime,
you're an earthbound emanation...

a rotting cloud of bioplasmic
particles, dripping ectoplasm.

Relax, Ray.
All right, Bannister.
Can you give me a ride
so I don't miss my funeral?

Don't worry.
They won't hurt you.

What in the hell is going on out here?
Get back in your graves!

Son of a--
Holy Jesus.
Frank Bannister!

Go ahead. I'll handle this.
What are you doing in my graveyard?
You have been told to stay away!

Sound off like you have a pair!
It's a public place, Hiles.
I do not like you!
Do not bring your spooks in here
without permission. Disappear, scumbag!

I am not one of your shitty
little emanations!

You cannot push spirits around!
You are scum!

Using spooks to put the frighteners on
people! That makes me physically ill!

We have a lot of lowlifes around here!
I will provide an armed response
at any sign of trouble!
