The Frighteners

What in the hell is going on out here?
Get back in your graves!

Son of a--
Holy Jesus.
Frank Bannister!

Go ahead. I'll handle this.
What are you doing in my graveyard?
You have been told to stay away!

Sound off like you have a pair!
It's a public place, Hiles.
I do not like you!
Do not bring your spooks in here
without permission. Disappear, scumbag!

I am not one of your shitty
little emanations!

You cannot push spirits around!
You are scum!

Using spooks to put the frighteners on
people! That makes me physically ill!

We have a lot of lowlifes around here!
I will provide an armed response
at any sign of trouble!

They must be contained!
Catch you later, Hiles.
My tour of duty
runs another 85 years!

There's a piece of dirt here
with your name on it.

I'm waiting for you,
you little maggot!

There were times
when people accused Ray...

of being less than generous,
but I am sure that deep down...

the man possessed a heart of gold
and a generous spirit.

It's true. He wouldn't lie,
not at a time like this.

Because God has chosen...
to call Ray from this life to Himself,
we commit his body to the ground.

Earth to earth,
ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Jesus, what a waste.
It's a goddamn tragedy!
